About HBR

Hall’s Bayou Ranch, Inc. was founded on April 7, 1943. Since that time we have continued to add purchased and leased land, bringing our total controlled acreage to over 25,000 acres. While hunting has always played a part, farming and ranching were the primary focus in the early days. Today, that focus has shifted to creating the premier waterfowl habitat of the Texas Gulf Coast. HBR thrives today because of the concept adopted by its management and employees that you cannot have productive hunting without a strong dedication to conservation. While many waterfowl operations find their property “shot out” by over hunting, HBR strives to eliminate this by providing our birds with multiple sanctuary locations and roost ponds, rotating its ponds, and strict management. This practice aids HBR in keeping birds on its property even under hunting pressure.
While waterfowl hunting is the key focus of HBR, it should be known that West Bay makes up the back of the ranch and provides members with exceptional saltwater fishing opportunities. Many of our duck impoundments are stocked with bass and catfish for the freshwater enthusiasts, while piers built over Halls Bayou are also great fishing locations for our members and their families and guests.
Hall's Bayou Ranch is known for catering to big businesses while still maintaining a family atmosphere. Whether you're a big corporation looking for an out of the box meeting and team building location, or an individual looking for an outdoor oasis to escape to with your family, HBR could be right for you.